Saturday, October 25, 2014


I am at a conference this weekend for Elevating and Celebrating Effective Teaching 2. As much as Barry Saide and his team assure me that I belong, I am still a little overwhelmed when I see the amount of awesome educators from the around the country that are here. I sit here and think wow, I am one of the 350 educators that were asked to come here. Why me? Am I really on the same playing field as everyone else here? Then after hearing Barry and Chris present, it started to sink in about why I am here. There is someone out there that is probably feeling the same way I am. Although, I may be doing things differently back home from a traditional classroom outlook, It's okay to be different. It is okay to think and teach differently. Also thinking about my principal Spike and his most vocal message, if you do not tell your story then no one will ever know the amazing things that you are doing. Also, someone else may tell it differently. I have always felt that I could not write, or my material was not worth sharing. Today, I was just reassured, sometimes it is just good to get your thoughts down and then share them out. Thanks again Barry and Chris.


  1. Hey Ryan, I love that advice from Dr. Spike about sharing your own story. We are similar in that I write to get down my thoughts, and I often wait awhile before sharing. At the minimum I am changing myself and at the maximum I am influencing my students, other teachers, and their students by sharing out my words. It was great seeing you this weekend and having you in our session. I look forward to reading more from you.

    1. Thanks Chris. I am really trying to get myself over that "Is my stuff good enough." I do feel though that you guys at least helped me see the other side of using my voice to connect with others. Thanks again!

  2. Hope to hear more about your time in NOLA!
